Digital Commons @Cortland

Image from the Digital Commons @Cortland displaying a photo of an early Football team

Wondering what SUNY Cortland used to look like? Want to check out photos of your time suiting up as a Red Dragon? Many of SUNY Cortland’s historical photographs, documents, yearbooks and many other items are available online for free! Check out the SUNY Cortland Digital Commons to find out more!


The Archives

Image of the SUNY Cortland Archives

Wondering about SUNY Cortland’s history? The Archives in Memorial Library is open by appointment! It is home to collections of photographs, the campus yearbook Didascaleion (also called the ‘Did’), and many more books and manuscripts that tell SUNY Cortland’s story.

The Archives is located on the 3rd Floor B-side of the Memorial Library.

Be sure to check out the Libguide here to learn more:

Appointments can be requested Monday through Friday from 8am to 3pm. To schedule an appointment or ask questions email:


4th Floor Study Rooms

4th Floor Study Rooms

There are 34 study rooms available on the 4th floor of the Memorial Library. The 4th floor is our designated quiet area. These small rooms allow for studying individually and are available on a first-come, first-serve basis to SUNY Cortland students, staff, and faculty. The rooms do not require a reservation or a key. They also have a window!


Reserve a Group Study Room

Reserve a Group Study Room

To reserve one of the Library’s Group Study Rooms and review the terms and conditions visit

The Memorial Library has 3 study rooms that can hold 2 people and 6 study rooms that can hold larger groups of 4+. You need to make a reservation to sign out a key. Make your reservations early to ensure you get the room you want when you need it.

Note: The Library’s group study rooms are only available for check out to current students.


Common Read Book: “Braiding Sweetgrass”

Access to Braiding Sweetgrass

Memorial Library has a free online copy of this year’s Common Read book to all faculty, Staff and Students.  That book is Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants by Robin Wall Kimmerer .

Access the ebook via the QR code in the image or use this link.

Note: You will be required to log into MyRedDragon.


ILL for Online Graduate Students

Mailing ILL books

If you are an Online Masters Student then you can request to have books sent to you, but be aware that this will probably add one to two weeks to the time it takes to get your materials. You may not be able to renew the books, depending on who provides them.
Before doing so, please be sure you have exhausted all possible alternatives (see the options listed in Library Resources outside of Memorial Library and have consulted with your Advisor as well as meet with your Library Liaison to review options. Following the sequence provided above will ensure that getting the material needed will be a smooth and quick process.

If you have completed the above steps, you can proceed to fill out the form to set up the request process. Do not submit requests until you hear back from the Interlibrary Loan Department that the setup is complete.

WEPA Printing : What You Should Know.

Image advertising the Library’s Helpful Tips post about WEPA printing.

WEPA stations are available on the first and second floors of the library (and elsewhere on campus). Check out the WEPA – Printing on Campus page for all the details about how to set up your WEPA account, how to print, what it costs, how to pay, and where on campus wēpa printers are located.


Antiracist Books for Teachers (and Everyone Else) Display

Antiracist display in the library.

In celebration of Black History Month, there will be two book displays in Memorial Library for everyone to check out.

One display focuses on books dedicated to learning about race and racial justice.

A second display focuses on children’s picture books for and representing Black American and Black-Diasporic lives, histories, and experiences. This display will be located in the Teaching Materials Center.

The book displays will appear throughout the month of February. Ask a librarian if you are interested in using one of these books!