Welcome back to school! A new year often means new devices (or old devices that suddenly misbehave). For do-it-yourself documentation about connecting to the secure WiFi network, downloading your free copy of Office 365, printing on campus, and more, please check out the Tech Help tab of myRedDragon.

Tip: When you are registering a new device to Cortland WiFi, you can name it whatever you like! You can visit mydevices.cortland.edu to see which devices you already have registered to Cortland WiFi.
You can also stop by The Help Center in the main lobby of the library for assistance. Help is also available at 607-753-2500 and thehelpcenter@cortland.edu.
For help with the new ONESearch interface in the Library tab, please stop by the Research Help Desk (located next to The Help Center). To text, email, or use our 24/7 chat service, you can also click the red Ask a Librarian button (located on the bottom right of the library tab in myRedDragon and on the top right within ONESearch search results). Librarians are standing by to help you navigate the new system and learn how to get the most out of it!
Thanks to Lauren deLaubell and Emily Stern for contributing this article.