Did you know that Research Help is available in the main lobby of the library? Tackle your research with a librarian, who can help you find, access, or cite sources for your paper. Librarians can also help you evaluate whether the sources you have found would be suitable for your paper.
For quick questions, you can visit the Library tab of myRedDragon to chat 24/7 with a librarian, or click the Ask a Librarian dragon button in many of our databases.
You can also Make a Research Help Appointment with a librarian that specializes in your area of study if you need specialized or more extensive help.
For more information: https://www2.cortland.edu/library/about/policies/Research-Help-Policy.dot
Category Archives: Research Help
Get Writing/Research Done and Eat Pizza at the 4th Annual Pizza and Papers
Pizza and Papers
Nov. 28, 2023 (Tuesday)
6 – 8 p.m.
Memorial Library
At this semesterly event, you can make progress on a writing project with one-on-one support from the Writing Center and the library. We’ll give you the time, space, and support for research and writing, and there will be pizza. Whether you’ve procrastinated or you’re inches from the finish line, we will help you get your writing closer to done.
Registration is required
For more information, contact Michael Turner at michael.turner@cortland.edu.
Drop-In Research Q&A Sessions: Science, History, Philosophy, Sport Management, Physical Education, & Recreation
Memorial Library is offering a series of targeted drop-in sessions to help you with your research this semester.
This week’s featured topics are:
- Science with Hilary Wong, 5/3 1-3pm and 5/4 10am-12pm. Join via Webex
- History and Philosophy with Jeremy Pekarek, 5/5 10am-12pm. Join via Webex
- Sport Management, Physical Education, & Recreation with Rick Powell, 5/6 2-4pm. Join via Webex
Video chat with librarians Hilary, Jeremy, or Rick for help with these (or other) research topics. No appointment necessary. They can help you find, evaluate, and cite resources.
Have a question but need a different time? Please sign up for a Research Help Appointment or get drop-in help at the Research Help Desk.
Other librarians are available at the following times:
• Monday-Wednesday 10am-6pm
• Saturdays 10am-6pm.
Research Help is also available online 24/7, in myRedDragon and wherever you see the Ask a Librarian chat button.
Save time and level up your research: ask a librarian!
Research Help Hours for the Fall
Welcome back! The Library is now open for students, faculty, and staff. Technology and Circulation Help are available at the main desk on the first floor. Research Help is also available on the first floor Monday-Wednesday and Saturdays. On Thursdays, Fridays, and Sundays, Research Help will be offered virtually. Our librarians are available online seven days a week:
- Chat with a librarian 24/7. Local SUNY Cortland librarians will answer your questions Mondays-Wednesdays 11am-8pm, Thursdays 11am-4pm, Fridays 11am-2pm, Saturdays 10am-6pm, and Sundays 1-8pm. Chat is also monitored 24/7 by back-up librarians from other colleges around the country. A librarian is always available to answer your question!
- Video Chat: Librarians are available for video chat on Thursdays and Fridays from 11am-2pm, and Sundays from 2-5pm. More information about this new pilot is available at https://cortland.libguides.com/videochat
- Call us at 607-753-2590. Librarians are available to answer phone calls Monday-Wednesday and Saturdays; phone calls received Thursdays-Fridays and Sundays will be returned the following day.
- Text us at 607-341-7883. Texts received outside of our staffed hours will be replied to when we reopen the following day.
- Email us at research@cortland.edu. A SUNY Cortland librarian will respond as soon as possible (typically within 24 hours).
- Research Help Appointments are now available remotely. For in-depth or specialized questions, complete the request form to contact the SUNY Cortland librarian that specializes in your area of study. Appointments can save you time and improve your research!
Fall 2020 Research Help Desk Schedule
Schedule is subject to change; please visit myRedDragon for the most current information
*Chat is also monitored 24/7 by back-up librarians from other colleges around the country.
For further information about our resources and services, please visit the Library Resources – COVID-19 – Fall 2020 Guide at https://cortland.libguides.com/COVID-19
Library Resources during COVID-19
Looking for Resources during COVID-19? Thinking about returning materials that you have borrowed from Memorial Library or through Interlibrary Loan?
Before you you do anything, check out our LibGuide – https://cortland.libguides.com/COVID-19
Here you can find information on Library Resources; Research Help; Archives; Teaching Materials Center; Testing Center; Digital New York Times, Wall Street Journal & Chronicle of Higher Education; Holds & Checked out Books; Interlibrary Loan Availability; Recommended Library Materials; Freely Available Videos; Temporarily Available Resources; and COVID-19.
Ask a Librarian – Virtual Research Help
Although the Library building is closed, SUNY Cortland librarians are still available to assist you online.
Librarians are available to help you: identify and access resources, narrow your research topic, develop search strategies, cite sources, and learn to use citation managers and other research tools.
You can chat with us in ONESearch by clicking the red pop-up button on the right-hand side of search results.
You can also contact us from the Ask a Librarian channel, located in the Library tab of myRedDragon:

Ask A Librarian Box in myRedDragon
- Chat with a librarian 24/7. Local SUNY Cortland librarians will answer your questions Mondays-Thursdays 9am-6pm, Fridays 9am-3pm, and Sundays 1pm-6pm. Chat is also monitored 24/7 by back-up librarians from other colleges around the country. A librarian is always available to answer your question!
- Text us at 607-341-7883 during the hours noted above. Texts received outside of those hours will be replied to when we reopen the following business day.
- Email us at research@cortland.edu. A SUNY Cortland librarian will respond as soon as possible (within 24 hours or the following business day).
- Research Help Appointments are now available remotely. For in-depth or specialized questions, complete the request form to contact the SUNY Cortland librarian that specializes in your area of study. Appointments can save you time and improve your research!
Thank you,
Lauren deLaubell
Information Literacy/Instruction Coordinator
Memorial Library, SUNY Cortland
Ask a Librarian for Research Help
As the Semester winds down, final projects, papers & finals are foremost on your mind. Don’t panic! Ask A Librarian if you have difficulties finding scholarly resources for your research paper or project! Librarians are there to help you!
You can find a Librarian at the Research Assistance Desk in the Memorial Library Lobby or connect with us through Chat, Email, Phone or by Appointment in the “Ask A Librarian” box on the Library Tab in myRedDragon.
When you have difficulties finding resources at 2:00am in the morning: chat with a librarian through AskUs 24/7! A librarian from another part of the country will help you find resources! Ask for Help!