BBW23: Read a Banned Book

Celebrate Banned Books Week by reading a book “they” don’t want you to read! You can find the books from last year’s Top Most Challenged Books List ( in the Teaching Materials Center (TMC) and the Library’s Main collection. The top most challenged book, Gender Queer by Maia Kobabe is available in the Graphic Novels section of the TMC. Stop by to take a look, and use the Collection Discovery ( feature to find even more banned and challenged titles.


Banned Books Week

Banned Books Week

To Kill a Mockingbird . . . Harry Potter . . . Captain Underpants . . .
Every year, there are hundreds of attempts to remove books from schools and libraries. Celebrate YOUR freedom to read and right to choose your book during Banned Books Week, September 18 to 24.

Stop by the library to view the banned books display in the Teaching Materials Center. Looking for something to read, check out the Banned Books collection in the library catalog.