Meet Robert Shetterly, the artist of “Americans Who Tell the Truth”!

In conjunction with the library display “Defining Activism:” books by and about American Activists, three special events take place this week in Sperry Building and Dowd Gallery: (the final week of this exhibition!)

  • Tuesday March 5, 7:00pm: Art, Ethics and Resistance, an evening with Robert Shetterly hosted by the Center for Ethics, Peace and Social Justice, *Sperry Building (tentatively room 205)*
  • Wednesday, March 6, 5:30pm: Artist’s Talk: Robert Shetterly
  • Thursday, March 7, 7:00pm: Reception Celebrating the Induction of Bill Griffen’s Portrait into the Americans Who Tell the Truth Project. 

All events and programs are free and open to the public.

New Display in the Library!

A new display is currently on view at Memorial Library entitled “Defining Activism:” books by and about American Activists.

In tandem with the current exhibition up at the Dowd and Beard Galleries, the Memorial Library is highlighting activism, as exhibited in our collections and at SUNY Cortland.

The library is highlighting a selection of books by about 28 “Americans who tell the truth” as depicted in Robert Shetterly’s portrait series currently showing in the Dowd and Beard Galleries. The 28 portraits originated from a still growing collection of more than 150 activists. Inspired by events that took place after 9/11 and the apparent disingenuity of the Bush Administration, Robert Shetterly, a Maine-based artist, set out to paint portraits of American activists that “tell the truth.” Drawn from a wide-range of activism, be it criminal justice activism, environmental activism, peace activism, each activist is beautifully represented by a portrait and a quote inscribed into the painting itself.  A project spanning now over ten years, Shetterly continues to paint portraits of courageous American figures that define and redefine how we as a people can stand up to injustice.

Be sure to take a trip downtown to check out the exhibition in person! In the meantime, enjoy the slideshow displayed downstairs in the lobby depicting each activist in the exhibition accompanied by the powerful and poignant quote Shetterly chose to include within the portrait.

Alongside the books showcased, we have provided a bibliography for your own research. Come by the library and pick one up!


Featured Database: ARTstor

Impress your classmates and professors with high-quality images inserted into your presentations!

ARTstor  provides over 1.5 million digital images in the arts, architecture, humanities, and sciences. ARTstor shares collections from hundreds of museums, artists, artists’ estates, photographers, scholars, special collections and photo archives.

Some of the image collections you can find in ARTstor:

  • Frick Collection
  • Getty Research Institute
  • Museum of Modern Art
  • Metropolitan Museum of Art
  • Smithsonian American Art Museum
  • and much, much more!
So what can you do with the ARTstor Digital Library?
  • Create a free account and save and sort images into your own personal folders; even upload your own images
  • Search by Keyword, or Browse by collection, classification, or geography
  • View images and image data
  • Print and save images to your own computer or flash drive
  • Download images to PowerPoint or KeyNote

Ready to start? Go to the Library Databases link on the Library Tab in myRedDragon and search for ARTstor in the alphabetical list of databases by title or Ask a librarian!


New: Library Research Guides!

The library has a newly designed Library Tab in myRedDragon featuring the new Library Research Guides! Our previous Subject Plus guides have been transitioned to the most widely used system for creating research guides and sharing knowledge: LibGuides. These online Library Research Guides cover all SUNY Cortland’s study areas, specific topics and general research techniques and are created by Cortland librarians to help faculty and students find information for a particular subject.  Be sure to take a look at our new Library Research Guides. You can find them in the third box down in the middle of the Library Tab. Enjoy!

TMC Displays: Math

The Teaching Materials Center is continuing its series of subject-based displays supporting the Common Core, this time highlighting K-12 math resources. There are four different themes illustrating several interdisciplinary areas where math can be applied: Literature, Art and Architecture, Science, and Active Learning.

Stop by to look at books and games that include these exciting math themes and pick up a handout from Math Blaster, a website that features worksheets and other activities. You can also browse our accompanying list of online Math Resources to get more ideas for hands-on, real world math activities and lessons.

Posted in TMC

Winter Break

What are your plans for the winter break?  Now that finals are over and you have some free time, get outside and have some fun!  Be sure to check out the winter activities and safety display in Memorial Library if you’ll be in the area over break.  We have a map of local ski resorts, a list of local winter events, and books about bird-watching, ice skating, and more.  Of course, not everyone loves snow and ice like:Simon’s Cat in ‘Icecapade’

So far the grass is still green(!), but the farmer’s almanac says that we’re in for a nasty winter.  Whether it’s your first winter in New York or your twentieth, it’s never a bad idea to think about driving tips for winter road conditions.  We’ve also posted information about frostbite and creating an emergency car kit.

The Library wishes you a happy and safe holiday season!


SIRS and the Common Core

The database SIRSResearcher (Social Issues Resources Series) has a new feature that allows users to search for resources that fit the Common Core Standards.

When you open the SIRS database, look for the “Common Core Correlations” link along the top of the page. Click this link for drop-down menus that let you select specific states and subject areas. You can then look within each standard for a “see resources” link leading to possible topic ideas. Clicking on any of these topics automatically searches the database for relevant articles and multimedia resources in support of the chosen standard.


More New Databases in the Library!

Entrepreneurial Studies Source                                                This database provides the academic researcher as well as the student with the latest insight on topics relevant to entrepreneurship and small businesses.  Subjects covered in the database include:  Business Planning,  Communications, Innovations, Management, Marketing, Organizational Behavior, Product Development, Raising Capital, Risk Taking and more.

LGBT Life with Full Text 
contains all of the content available in LGBT Life as well as full text for more than 130 of the most important and historically significant LGBT journals, magazines and regional newspapers, as well as more than 170 full-text monographs/books including Classics in Lesbian Studies, Gay Science: The Ethics of Sexual Orientation Research, Handbook of Research with Gay,  Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender Populations, Queer Theory & Social Change, etc.

You can find these databases on the Library Tab in myRedDragon!

New Databases in the Library!

The library provides access to two new databases! They are available in the A-Z listing of databases on the Library Tab.

Applied Science & Technology Full Text (Wilson) Covering a wide variety of applied science specialties—from acoustics and aeronautics, to neural networks and nuclear & civil engineering— Applied Science & Technology Full Text provides full-text content and in-depth indexing and abstracts from leading trade and industrial journals, professional and technical society journals, specialized     subject periodicals, buyers’ guides, directories and conference proceedings.

Energy & Power Source (EBSCO)             A comprehensive full-text database designed to support the informational needs of the energy and power industries at all levels. This collection provides full-text coverage of information relevant to many areas integral to the energy and power industries, encompassing all component industries within, including those focused energy and power industries at all levels.

Topics include:

  • Coal
  • Electric power
  • Natural gas
  • Nuclear power
  • Petroleum
  • Renewable energy (including hydroelectric power, wind power, solar                    power, alternative fuels, etc.)


TMC Science Common Core Displays

The TMC’s display cases are featuring science resources that tie into the Common Core. Topics for the Elementary level include animals and weather, while the High School display features biology and physics. A variety of formats are represented: informational nonfiction, textbooks, and hands-on materials such as games and kits. There are also accompanying online resources for each topic, which include links to curricular information, interactive websites with games and activities, videos, and more.

Stop by the TMC and find some ideas for your next science lesson plan!

Posted in TMC