New Library Guide: VIDEOS

Would you like to view videos on your computer? Would you like to use videos for your presentation? Our new VIDEO Library Guide providesĀ guidelines on how to locate and access streaming videos available to the SUNY Cortland community in the library catalog and databases! For Faculty: the guide also explains how to embed videos in Blackboard! Besides movies from our own collection the library gives access to movies from the following video database collections:

Films On Demand: includes over 6000 licensed films from a variety of commercial providers including PBS and National Geographic.

American History in Video:great collection of videos for the study of American history

Education in Video: developed specifically for training and developing teachers.

Ethnographic Video Online: comprehensive resource for the study of human culture and behavior.


You can find the Video Library Guide in the Library Research Guides box on the Library Tab in myRedDragon. ENJOY!