Material requests
Faculty can request that the library purchase items that are required for their courses by submitting a Materials Request form from the Tech Help tab in MyRedDragon.
Course Reserves
Students can now also easily find materials that faculty have put on reserve in ONESearch by using the Course Reserves scope and your name or course ID. See the Course Reserves tab in our Tips for ONESearch Libgude for additional information on how to place items on reserve and how to search for item on reserve in ONESearch.
Long Term Laptop Loan
If a student cannot purchase a laptop or theirs breaks they can request a laptop loan for a period of one semester.
More information can be found here: Long Term Laptop Loan –
Library Makerspace
The Library’s Makerspace is newly renovated and open for business! We offer 3D printing, virtual reality headsets, paper/vinyl cutting, sewing, knitting/crochet, and a variety of low-tech craft supplies. Check out our Makerspace LibGuide for complete offerings. Find us on the second floor of the library between the IRA computer lab and the CAP lab. We are open Monday-Thursday from 12-3 PM. Aren’t available during those hours? Email to make an appointment.
Library Proxy Server Changes: What faculty should know to double check in Brightspace
Check your embedded links to library materials in Brightspace! Off-Campus Authentication – In the fall, we updated the linking for off-campus access, and you may have links embedded in your Spring Semester class materials that need to be updated for them to work. Any links that begin with will need to be changed to begin with more information, please see the entry on our blog from last fall …
NYT, WSJ and Chronicle of Higher Education Digital Subscriptions
The Library is pleased to provide SUNY Cortland students, faculty, and staff with access to the Chronicle of Higher Education, as well as Digital Editions of the New York Times and The Wall Street Journal.
You may access your own free subscription on your desktop or mobile device. Instructions to subscribe can be found:
New York Times
Wall Street Journal
The Chronicle of Higher Education
If you already have a campus subscription, you may have to renew – see same pages above to learn what to do.
Looking for ADVISEMENT AND TRANSITION? … it’s in the Library!
Located next to the Bookmark Cafe in the Memorial Library you will find the newly renovated offices of Advisement and Transition.
Services include: academic advising, pre-major support, learning community support, transfer credit evaluation, permission to transfer credit process, new student orientation, first-year seminar, early alert outreach, and student support programming for transfer, non-traditional and graduate students.
Check out our Nook
We have a new piece of furniture to sample. Come by and check out the Nook Air – it’s perfect for collaboration and individual needs.
It’s location on the first floor in the area of the Testing Center and Advisement & Transition.
Try it out and leave your comments on the adjacent white board.
Multi Factor Authentication
Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) is required for accessing SUNY Cortland’s myRedDragon portal. Students are currently asked to use Microsoft Authenticator. Microsoft Authenticator goes off phone hardware rather than the phone number. So anytime students get a new phone it is important a to know they need to contact the Technology Help Center for an authenticator reset. Students can also add an additional back up method to their account for more flexibility, instructions can be found here:
“Adding a Backup Authentication Method”
The TMC is Open
Just in time for Spring 2024, the Teaching Materials Center is open again! Come on in and reclaim your favorite studying spot or check out some materials for your lesson plans.
Connecting to Cortland WIFI
Need help connecting to Cortland’s Wifi network (Eduroam)? If you are using a personal mobile device or laptop while in the academic buildings, you should be connecting to eduroam. Please follow the steps found here: Connecting to Cortland Wifi on a Mobile Device
For issues with connecting to WiFi in the dorms please contact Gig Systems