ARTSTOR: Offline Image Viewer 4.0

artstorArtstor announced the release of the Offline Image Viewer 4.0. This new release includes the following new features and a bug fix:

New Features:

  • Compatible with Mac OS X 10.9 and Windows 8.
  • Link to image viewer – clicking the link to image viewer icon on an image will open that image in the image viewer within the Digital Library.
  • Embedded hyperlinks – you can now embed hyperlinks in your OIV slides.
  • Saving to legacy format – this version of OIV allows presentations to be saved in OIV 2.6 format so that they can be opened by OIV version 2.6 and above (without image viewer linking functionality). This version can also open OIV 2.6 and 3.X files.

Bug Fix:

  • Dual-screen presentations – when using two screens in presentation mode, images will advance in pairs, e.g. screen 1 will show odd-numbered images, screen 2 will show even-numbered images.

To access this new version, uninstall any previous versions of OIV, log into your account, and install OIV 4.0 by following these directions:

Please contact Artstor User Services if you have any questions or comments.

The Artstor image database is located in the list of databases alphabetical by title on the librarytab in myRedDragon.

BioOne Maintenance


BioOne informed us that maintenance activities are planned for their database ( on Friday, October 24. Beginning at 6 p.m. Eastern Time (UTC-5), content and services may be intermittently unavailable for up to four hours.

BioOne provides access to research journals focused on the biological, ecological and environmental sciences provided by scientific societies in collaboration with libraries, academe and the commercial sector. So check it out on Saturday! You can find in on the LibraryTab databases box alphabetical by title.



Featured Databases: GreenFILE


EBSCO’s GreenFILE offers well-researched information  covering all aspects of human impact to the environment.  This collection of scholarly, government, and general-interest titles includes content on global warming, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling, and more. GreenFILE provides indexing and abstracts for more than 612,000 records, as well as full-text coverage for more than 9,100 records.



Check out GreenFILE on the LibraryTab in myRedDragon. Choose Databases by Title and click on GreenFILE.


banned booksThe library is taking part in a celebration of Banned Books week being honored this year by the American Library Association September 21 through September 25. Physical displays in the library highlight some of the most well-known books that were banned and are available in our collection.There is also a display with books by and about Wilhelm Reich, an Austrian-born researcher and prominent anti-Nazi who immigrated to the United States on the eve of World War II to avoid persecution. Less than two decades later, his books and published research journals were banned and burned by order of United States Federal Court. How that could have happened will be discussed in a:

Sandwich Seminar September 23: noon to 1 pm; Old Main Colloquium

“The True Story of a Government-Ordered Book Burning in America”

Dr. James Strick, ‘81 Franklin & Marshall College

Also: have a look at our latest libguide: Banned Books

Featured database: Films on Demand

films on demand logo

The library provides access to Films on Demand, a streaming educational video collection containing over 20,203 full-length videos and 233,239 video clips. These videos cover all subjects from the hard sciences to the humanities and are from producers such as Films for the Humanities, the History Channel, National Geographic and the BBC.

Collections within Films on Demand:

films on demand

You can find the Films on Demand database @ the LibraryTab in myRedDragon. Select the Library Databases tab in the search box; choose databases by title F and you will find it!


Fall 2014 Semester Library Hours

  • Saturday, August 23rd the Library will be CLOSED.
  • Sunday, August 24th the Library will be open for Walk-ins only 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm

From Monday August 25th the Fall 2014 Semester Hours will be in place and the library will be open the following hours:

fall semester hours

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The Library’s New Innovative Way to Search for Information:

Memorial Library is excited to announce a new way of searching resources.   The search channel on the library tab has changed to include a new default search.  Now you can search the library’s full-text content (electronic and print), including journals, books, and databases simultaneously.  This customized searching experience is based on the EBSCOhost interface you already know.  The classic catalog, databases, and journals are searched by clicking the other tabs within the search channel.

For more information, see a librarian or contact the Research Help Desk (607) 753-2590.

TMC Inspiration Station

The Inspiration Station is a hands-on creative space in the front of the Teaching Materials Center dedicated to education students working on lesson plans and other classroom projects. Many craft materials are available such as: markers and crayons, stencils, stamps, construction paper… and so much more!

A highlight of the station is the Ellison machine, which is used to create cut-out shapes that are ideal for bulletin boards and posters. Among the available Ellison die cuts are the alphabet, numbers, holidays, world countries and shapes.



Students are invited to leave feedback and suggestions for future additions to the space. As one of these comments stated: “Love it! So happy you got this, I can make my work/projects even better now!” The Inspiration Station is a vibrant part of the library that’s always growing- just like the TMC itself.










Posted in TMC