Fun Distraction: Wordle

Image advertising the Library's FUN Distractions series post about WORDLE

If you have never tried WORDLE, it really is worth checking out. This simple, daily word game is a FUN Distraction, addictive, and can get a bit competitive when you share your successes with your friends and family.


Visit the link each day to solve the puzzle. Enter any 5 letter word to start and work from there to guess the word of the day in 6 tries. WORDLE will tell you if a letter is correct, correct but in the wrong place, or not included in the daily word.

Learn more about WORDLE:

Learn about how WORDLE is moving to the New York Times Games:


Fun Distraction: Roller Coasters

: Image advertising the Library's FUN Distractions series post on Roller Coasters

Do you like roller coasters? Roller coasters are fascinating… from how they function to how many people can ride one roller coaster in an hour. Here are some fun roller coaster videos for you to check out. PLUS you can come by the Library and visit the TMC’s very own K’NEX Roller Coaster!

Learn more about … Hagrid’s Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure at Universal Studios Islands of Adventure in Florida

Catch more Roller Coaster videos from EIToroRYAN …

ALSO check out EIToroRyan’s videos of his K’NEX roller coasters!!!

#memoriallibraryfundistractionsseries #sunycortlandmemoriallibrary 📚💻

Fun Distraction: Medieval Artists

Image advertising the Library’s FUN Distractions series post about animals in medieval art

Medieval artists had some strange ideas about what exotic animals looked like. Makes sense when you think about how they probably never saw these animals in person and only knew them from the descriptions of explorers. Check out this very entertaining journey through the art of exotic animals in medieval texts from Curious Archive.


Fun Distraction: Phone Scams

Image advertising the Library’s FUN Distractions series post about Mark Rober foiling phone scammers

Mark Rober is at it again, this time foiling phone scammers with his famous glitter bombs. Mark with some help from other social media personalities like “Scammer Payback” manage to figure out how these scams work and catch the bad guys in action with glitter bombs and the police. Mark and his friends are able to intercept over $30K already in the mail to scammers. He points out the elderly, non tech savvy, members of our families are particularly vulnerable to these scammers. Over the holidays take a moment to explain how these scams work to your elderly family members so they do not get caught up in a scam.


Fun Distraction: Pandemic Puppy

Image advertising the Library’s FUN Distractions series post about Dutch and Lola

Need a few minutes of fun with a cute pet? Meet Dutch and his pandemic puppy Lola. Check out Dutch’s TikTok for adorable videos of Lola from her gotcha day on through all her fun escapades with Dutch. Lola hates baths but loves to play hide & seek, and lets Dutch know what she want with electronic buttons. In case you were wondering what Lola wants … it’s treats, treats, and more TREATS!


Fun Distraction: Portuguese Man O’ War

Image advertising the Library’s FUN Distractions series post about Man O’ War jellyfish

Did you know that most jellyfish just ride the currents of the ocean looking for food? Not the Portuguese Man O’ War, it has a gas filled bladder it used to float to the surface and sets sail using a vertical membrane to catch the wind. These fascinating jellyfish can be over 30 feet long and symbiotically harbor Man O’ War fishes that have become desensitized to their lethal sting. Man O’ War can, in rare cases, even kill human with their sting. Learn more in this video from BBC’s Blue Planet II.
