College Archives Open House

College Archives Open House
Wednesday, November 6, 2019, from 3-5 p.m.
Third Floor of Memorial Library Room B-305

Memorial Library will be hosting an Open House event for faculty, staff, students and the community to learn more about the College Archives and what we have to offer. Members of the College Archives Steering Committee will be discussing different projects and sharing their experiences with the collections.

Light refreshments will be served.

SUNY Cortland Receives $4583 Technology and Digitization Grant from SCRLC

The South Central Regional Library Council (SCRLC) has awarded a Technology and Digitization Grant of $4583 to SUNY Cortland’s Memorial Library for the digitization of its student newspapers. This round of digitization will include The Co-No Press from 1925 through 1942 and The Dragon Chronicle from 2013 through 2017. Once digitization is complete they will be freely found at the New York State Historic Newspapers site at along with newspapers from the early 1940s through 2013 that were previously digitized in 2017.

SCRLC’s Technology and Digitization Grants are funded as part of the Regional Bibliographic Data Bases and Interlibrary Resources Sharing (RBDB) Program.