On the second floor artwork is on display that has been curated from the Student Select Show each year. The Final Show in Dowd Gallery every spring is Student Select. This is a juried show (off-campus juror) where all students taking studio courses during the academic year are encouraged to submit. A selection of work is chosen by the Juror to be exhibited in the Gallery and then select works from the exhibition are relocated to the library to be on display for the next academic year. The artwork in this area is changed annually.
Author Archives: powellr
Looking for DISABILITY RESOURCES? … it’s in the Library!
Located in the Library’s Teaching Materials Center on the First Floor of the Memorial Library. Come in the main Library entrance, turn left, walk through the lobby and into the Teaching Materials Center. The Disability Resources Office is on your right. The Disability Resources Office leads SUNY Cortland’s commitment to create a diverse, accessible, and socially just community that welcomes all students, whether or not they identify as disabled.
Disability Resources’ transformational leadership includes:
– Ensuring the lived experiences, goals, and aspirations of students are central to our work.
– Collaborating to eliminate barriers so all have equal access.
– Promoting disability as an aspect of diversity.
– Challenging ableism and advocating for disability justice.
– Backing students as they develop their disability identity and advocate for access, inclusion, and visibility.
– Recognizing that students’ disability identity is interconnected with their other identities.
Find the Disability Resources Office online
STUDENT ARTWORK on display @ the Library Part 2
On the north side of the First Floor hallway is student work on display from the Art and Art Histories Raquette Lake course. This is a one-credit course required for ART Majors and is led by a faculty member each fall. This year’s Faculty Leader was Jenn McNamara. The artwork on display is created after the trip and is inspired by the students’ experiences while on-site during the course.
Memorial Library Testing Center
Location: 1st floor of the Library, A-side
Hours: Spring 2024 Testing Center Hours (Jan 29 – May 9 ) Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm Spring Break (Mar 9 – Mar 16) – closed
How to register for a test: Please check the Pearson site for full information, https://home.pearsonvue.com
The Testing Center at Memorial Library is not restricted to SUNY Cortland students. We accommodate any candidate who has registered for an exam sponsor/vendor we offer. Pearson VUE hosts hundreds of exam sponsors/vendors; SUNY Cortland Memorial Library works with a select few (catered to the needs of the campus community). Our Testing Center can accommodate up to ten candidates at once. All test administrators are certified annually. Lockers are available for people to use to store their personal items while they are taking their test.
For more information – https://cortland.libguides.com/c.php?g=1149969&p=8402294
STUDENT ARTWORK on display @ the Library
On the south side of the Library’s First Floor hallway is student work from the Dingle Ireland Study abroad program offered through SUNY Cortland. Stephen Clark from the Art and Art History Department is the instructor for this En Plein Air painting course where they practice painting techniques outdoors inspired by the Landscapes surrounding Dingle.
Research Help
Did you know that Research Help is available in the main lobby of the library? Tackle your research with a librarian, who can help you find, access, or cite sources for your paper. Librarians can also help you evaluate whether the sources you have found would be suitable for your paper.
For quick questions, you can visit the Library tab of myRedDragon to chat 24/7 with a librarian, or click the Ask a Librarian dragon button in many of our databases.
You can also Make a Research Help Appointment with a librarian that specializes in your area of study if you need specialized or more extensive help.
For more information: https://www2.cortland.edu/library/about/policies/Research-Help-Policy.dot
Faculty/Staff Equipment Loans
Faculty & Staff: A variety of equipment can be loaned out from The Help Center in Memorial Library, including laptops, projectors, PA systems, webcams, and microphones. Equipment can be requested by faculty members or by staff members from the library by completing a Faculty/Staff Equipment Loan form, which can be found in the Tech Help tab in MyRedDragon or by clicking on this link.
WEPA Account
WEPA is the printing service that is used by SUNY Cortland students. WEPA accounts are automatically generated for new students, and students who upload documents to the WEPA cloud can then print those documents from any WEPA kiosk on the campus. Funds can be added to WEPA accounts electronically by navigating to the WEPA website, while print cards for the WEPA kiosks can be purchased from the library.
More information about how to use WEPA kiosks can be found by reading the article that can be accessed by clicking on this link.
Transformations on Digital Commons
Memorial Library is proud to highlight student work from Transformations, the annual undergraduate research conference at SUNY Cortland. Students who present or give posters can choose to share their posters or presentation slides through the Transformations collection in Digital Commons
Please contact digitalcommons@cortland.edu with any questions, or if you are interested in sharing your work from Transformations this year!
Digital Commons Theses
Memorial Library preserves and shares Cortland students’ theses through our online repository, Digital Commons.
Our Masters theses collection includes graduate theses from the departments of English, History, Kinesiology, Physical Education, Recreation, Parks and Leisure Studies and Sport Management: https://digitalcommons.cortland.edu/theses/
Also, check out our brand new collection of theses and final projects from students in the undergraduate Honors Program: https://digitalcommons.cortland.edu/honorsprogram/
Expect new additions to both collections later this Spring!