New Databases in the Library!

The library provides access to two new databases! They are available in the A-Z listing of databases on the Library Tab.

Applied Science & Technology Full Text (Wilson) Covering a wide variety of applied science specialties—from acoustics and aeronautics, to neural networks and nuclear & civil engineering— Applied Science & Technology Full Text provides full-text content and in-depth indexing and abstracts from leading trade and industrial journals, professional and technical society journals, specialized     subject periodicals, buyers’ guides, directories and conference proceedings.

Energy & Power Source (EBSCO)             A comprehensive full-text database designed to support the informational needs of the energy and power industries at all levels. This collection provides full-text coverage of information relevant to many areas integral to the energy and power industries, encompassing all component industries within, including those focused energy and power industries at all levels.

Topics include:

  • Coal
  • Electric power
  • Natural gas
  • Nuclear power
  • Petroleum
  • Renewable energy (including hydroelectric power, wind power, solar                    power, alternative fuels, etc.)


TMC Science Common Core Displays

The TMC’s display cases are featuring science resources that tie into the Common Core. Topics for the Elementary level include animals and weather, while the High School display features biology and physics. A variety of formats are represented: informational nonfiction, textbooks, and hands-on materials such as games and kits. There are also accompanying online resources for each topic, which include links to curricular information, interactive websites with games and activities, videos, and more.

Stop by the TMC and find some ideas for your next science lesson plan!

Posted in TMC

Instructional Technologies and Design Services News – NOVEMBER 2012

Accessibility Month                                                                                                    November is Accessibility Month!  ITDS along with the Technology Accessibility Advisory Committee are offering several opportunities to get you up-to-speed on making your publications and documents accessible. Every faculty and staff member that uses technology to impart information is responsible for ensuring accessibility to all users. We’re providing a page of accessibility tutorials, including PDFs and video tutorials, set to be launched on the “Tech Help” tab within MyRedDragon.

Accessibility Sandwich Seminar and Workshops:

  • Wednesday November 14th (12PM-): Sandwich Seminar hosted by Jeremy Zhe-Heimerman in the Jacobus Lounge. He will demonstrate accessibility issues by students with disabilities, and include testimonials regarding their experiences.
  • Thursday November 15th (9AM-11AM*): ITDS hosted accessibility-specific walk-in clinics on developing accessible email, documents and web pages.
  • Tuesday November 27th (1PM-3PM*): ITDS hosted accessibility-specific walk-in clinics on developing accessible email, documents and web pages.

Blackboard Workshops*:

ITDS continues to provide Blackboard workshops throughout the month of November. Now that midterms are done, it is a great time to set up an appointment with a member of ITDS to:

  • Set up your grade center to calculate students’ grades
  • Prepare to calculate final exams and grades
  • Get a head start on setting up winter and spring courses

If you have any questions please feel free to email

*The ITDS workshops are held in the Technology Training Center, A-118 Memorial Library  (Learning Commons).

TMC Online Guide

The Teaching Materials Center now has an online presence!

This online guide contains information about the many collections in the TMC, including descriptions and call numbers, as well as tips on how to search the catalog for these materials. There are also links to online journals, videos, databases, and websites. These websites include lesson plan ideas, children’s literature, standards, technology, and other topics aimed at educators.

The TMC Guide is always available under the Links/Resources area in the Library Tab.