If you use an Apple device (like a MacBook or an iPad) and want to access your Bookshare audio books, download the iBooks app! Read on to learn about how to navigate and use this resource.
How do I download a book from Bookshare to my MacBook? After logging on to your Bookshare account, search for the book you want to read, open the download format drop-down menu, and select ‘EPUB.’ Hit ‘Download’ and your compatible book will begin downloading to your device. This will open your ‘My History’ page. Click the link next to your book to save it to your device.

How do I open the book on iBooks? After downloading your EPUB file, select that file and press command + O to open it in iBooks on your laptop/computer.
How do I get iBooks to read my book aloud? Select the text that you want to be read, right click, and select ‘More’ then ‘Start Speaking.’ You could also use the screenshot reader feature on Read & Write to select a page or paragraph, then click Play to listen.

How do I get iBooks to stop reading my book aloud? Right click and select ‘More’ then ‘Stop Speaking.”
How do I download a book from Bookshare to my iPad? After logging on to your Bookshare account, search for the book you want to read, open the download format drop-down menu, and select ‘EPUB.’ Hit ‘Download’ and your compatible book will begin downloading to your device. This will open your ‘My History’ page. Click the link next to your book to save it to your device.
How do I open the book on iBooks? After downloading your EPUB file, click the ‘Open in iBooks’ button to open it in iBooks on your iPad.
How do I get iBooks to read my book aloud? Go to ‘Settings’ on your device. Click ‘General’ –> ‘Accessibility’ –> ‘Speech.’ Enable these three features: ‘Speak Selection,’ ‘Speak Screen,’ and ‘Highlight Content.’ Open the iBooks app. To read an entire page, swipe down the screen with two fingers. To read a specific paragraph, tap and hold the text to highlight it, then click ‘Speak.’
How do I get iBooks to stop reading my book aloud? Click the ‘Pause’ button.