Inter/Action Film Nov. 21@ 7 pm in Sperry 205: “Up Heartbreak Hill”

Memorial Library contributes to the Cultural and Intellectual Climate Committee’s Inter/Action theme with a screening of the film “Up Heartbreak Hill” next Thursday, November 21 at 7:00 PM in Sperry 205.

“Up Heartbreak Hill chronicles the lives of three Native American teenagers in Navajo, NM — Thomas, an elite runner, Tamara, an academic superstar, and Gabby, an aspiring photographer — as they navigate their senior year at a reservation high school. As graduation nears, they must decide whether or not to stay in their community — a place inextricably woven into the fiber of their beings — or leave in pursuit of opportunities elsewhere. Up Heartbreak Hill examines the ways in which we define ourselves, and the broader issues surrounding what it means to be Native American in the contemporary world.”

It played at the 2012 Cleveland International Film Festival and aired in July 2012 on the PBS series “P.O.V.” Have a look at the trailer on YouTube: “Up Heartbreak Hill”

The screening is sponsored by Memorial Library, the Cultural and Intellectual Climate Committee (CICC), the Native American Studies Committee and the Auxiliary Services Corporation.

 Please consider joining us next Thursday evening!