The Study Tips section is intended to offer you ideas for becoming a more successful student. This section is divided into six areas, each pertaining to different aspects of being a successful student. These were put together by a group of students who have figured out (sometimes the hard way) how to be successful. Feel free to scroll through these at your leisure. Borrow any ideas that you think might be helpful.
- Note Taking
- Making The Most Out of Your Study Time
- Reading Comprehension
- Time Management
- Test Taking
- Final Thoughts
- Goal Setting Sandwich Seminar Part 1-The Art of Goal Setting
- Goal Setting Sandwich Seminar Part 2-The Art of Goal Setting
- More Study Tips from The Learning Center (Great Stuff!)
How do you make the most of your study time?
what are the biggest challenges you face while taking a test?
How do you read and stay up to date with your classwork?
Where do you enjoy studying?
How do you take notes for class?