Reading the news can sound unpleasant to young people, but is it the right thing to do? There are many ways young people in this generation find information about important things going on in the world like social media (TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, etc.). While those sources can be reliable, I believe young people in this […]
Black Sabbath’s 53rd Anniversary and the Dawn of Metal.
Black Sabbath’s eponymous debut album shocked the masses upon it’s release, but how does it stack up against 53 years of competition? On Friday the 13th in February of 1970, Black Sabbath released their debut album Black Sabbath. Regarded by many modern critics as a definitive metal release by the most definitive metal band, one […]
The Grammy’s Have Always Been Rigged.
The recording academy have robbed numerous deserving candidates this year of a Grammy Award. Unfortunately, it’s been happening longer than you think. Every year, millions of people around the world tune into the Grammys. The iconic event is a time to see all of your favorite artists in the same place. Annually, Hollywood’s biggest Stars […]
Letter to the Editor: NYPIRG
To the Editor: January 2023 began with a message from Governor Hochul to students: you need to pay more to get your degree. I think I speak for everyone at Cortland when I say that proposed tuition hikes are the last thing we need. SUNY has already experienced years of stagnant state funding threatening accessibility […]
Is Social Media a Valid News Source?
Social media has been taking over the lives of many in positive and in negative ways. But is social media a reliable place to find information on the world around us? Social media has made its impact on society and peoples lives both negatively and positively. People have become internet famous overnight which leads them […]
How to Save Money When it Comes to Spring Break
Many students find it difficult to navigate pricey spring break destinations, but it may be easier than you think. Most college students have been waiting and intensely planning for Spring Break since the beginning of the academic year. Students use this break from classes as a time for their friend groups to get together and […]
Do All Your Homies Hate Ticketmaster?
Country star Zach Bryan is making his working class fans very happy while simultaneously making an economic statement towards Ticketmaster and the US government. Ticketmaster, the ticket distribution company, is under fire with new accusations of “monopolizing” due to their merger with events promoter LiveNation back in 2010. Together, the sister-brands now control about 70% […]
Off-Campus Housing Tips and Tricks
Perusing through landlords can be daunting, so how can someone make sure they’re making the right decision? Off-campus housing can be a joy at college. After all, you aren’t confined to the dorms any more and you get a little bit more of that freedom that college usually offers. However, moving off campus comes with […]
Should Dana White Step Down from the UFC?
After Dana White’s violent behavior towards his wife, many are calling for his removal as president of the UFC despite his past of making record smashing profits for the company. By: James Calidonna If you are a fan of MMA, you’ve most likely heard of the recent controversiesinvolving UFC’s president Dana White over this past […]
Is There a Sound of the 2020’s?
From the grunge rock of the 1990s to the trap instrumentals on many hip-hop songs of the 2010s, the music never quite stays the same. As 2023 finally rolls around, it seemingly becomes harder to answer one question: What is the sound of the 2020s? By: Javier Hills Defining all the music in one year […]