Here at SUNY Cortland after living on campus for your freshman and sophomore years you are given the option to keep living in the dorms or get an apartment / house off-campus with your friends. If you decide to move off campus you have the unique opportunity to no longer live under the rules the […]
SLC’s Personal Training Program Was For Me…Is it For You?
As a woman in college there are way more times than I’ve cared to count where I felt threatened or in a dangerous situation in which I could not defend myself. Despite carrying self defense blades, only going out when a trusted man is going with me (for muscle), and dressing differently I still found […]
Frisbee Fun in a Frisbee Flood
Following their HighTide spring break tournament the SUNY Cortland women’s frisbee team, also known as Mystery Inc. traveled to Middletown NY for a two-day tournament that unbenounced to them would hold some of the physically worst weather conditions some of the members had ever seen. Ten players from the women’s frisbee team embarked on this […]
Frisbee and Fun at the HighTide Spring Break Tournament
Every year the men’s and women’s frisbee teams join countless others across the nation to travel to Myrtle Beach, SC for their most anticipated tournament of the year, High Tide. This year the team reported the tournament being the most positive HighTide experience yet with 5 players getting elected as MVPs; 2 on the women’s […]
Frisbee Spotlight: Hannah Johansen
Rochester native Hannah Johansen joined the women’s frisbee team as a way for her to blow off steam from her heavy course load and possibly make some friends. After three semesters on the team, with this semester being her fourth, she has reflected on how this simple decision will be one she carried with her […]
Get Your Game On: The Countdown to the “High Tide” Frisbee Tournament Begins
Sexism on the Club Ultimate Frisbee Team
It comes as no surprise to anyone that sexism has a strong presence in sports, especially with most sports having predominantly male athletes compared to female athletes. When Ultimate Frisbee was founded, it was made to be a sport for people of all genders to enjoy, but now it seems the sport is in fear […]
Get Your Game On: The Countdown to the “High Tide” Frisbee Tournament Begins
Every year the SUNY Cortland men’s and women’s frisbee teams join together for a week-long series of fun-filled frisbee tournaments called High Tide. It takes place during spring break in the beautifully sunny Myrtle Beach, SC making it the most highly anticipated tournament of not only the season but the whole year. Carly Chardavoyne, president […]
How to: Ultimate Guide to Ultimate Frisbee
Ultimate Frisbee is a relatively new competitive sport that incorporates a disc instead of a ball or puck. There are many different rules and regulations one must obey while playing this game. The game is played with two teams of seven players, with the object of the game being to score in your opponent’s end […]
Season recap for the SUNY Cortland’s Women’s Ultimate Frisbee Club
The SUNY Cortland’s women’s ultimate frisbee team started their 2023 season on a very positive note with the team doubling in size from an influx of new members. President Carly Chardavoyne and Vice President Meaghan Connors share the active role of co-captains, often leading practices and planning tournaments. The team also expanded its social media […]