Bringing SUNY Cortland the news.
The Dragon Chronicle
Our role as the students’ newspaper is to inform and entertain the Cortland students and community. We specialize in four sections: news, opinions, lifestyles, and sports. We also provide an opportunity for interested students to work in various phases of creating a weekly paper. Our goal is to be the voice of the student body here at SUNY Cortland as well as inform the Cortland Community about what’s going on.
Meetings are every Tuesday at 6 PM in Vanhousen B134! We welcome members to join and contribute articles to our news, lifestyles, opinions or sports section. We also welcome any and all SUNY Cortland Students to submit articles, pieces, and artwork of any kind for publication in the newspaper.
Email: cecile.lessard@cortland.edu paul.arras@cortland.edu
Corey Union 111
Cortland, NY 13045
United States
Our Staff
- Cecile Lessard
Chief Editor - Anna Corbo
News Editor - Andrew Oliva
Opinions Editor - Mickey Corey
Lifestyle Editor - Lorenzo Wilkins
Co-Sports Editor - Anthony Mistretta
Co-Sports Editor - Staff Writers
David Alexander, Parker Arenas, Erica Arroyo, Lauren Bentz, Ava Bongiorno, Jake Baglio, Anthony Clemens, Kevin Daly, Trent deeHan, Milena Favaro, Leana Foley, Hanna Fraley, Madison Hicks, Ryan Hobbes, Gregory Jarvis, Shelby Kaczmarek, Nicholas Kim, Alexandra Mackenzie, Emma Marks, Leah Masi, Santiago Masi, Athanasia Misthos, Axel Norbro, Jack O’Brien, Kevin O’Haire, Delani O’Leary, Jack Pagel, Emilia Pasquale, Autumn Pittman, Corey Richardson, Donald Romano, and Julia Strobel