SUNY Cortland welcomes a variety of students per semester. From freshmen to transfers; straight out of high school students to older non-traditional students; from New Yorkers to out-of-state and international students. All and each one of them bringing their own perspectives, insights and voices to the SUNY Cortland community, amplifying the cultural diversity of the school and promoting more inclusion to everyone.
On campus, there are many ways of finding groups of people who one would identify with and would have the chance to share their ideals and culture with, as well as use that space and people to enlighten the rest of the community about certain subjects.
A great way to get involved and be part of groups is by joining one or more of the many clubs SUNY Cortland has around campus.
Recently, a new club has been started at school, the Cortland Islamic Student Association club.
Founded by Makhatub Hassan, a junior studying Physical Education and the president of the club, Raaid Khan, the Vice President of the club, Aleena Parakkal, an international student from Kerala, India, majoring in Biomedical Sciences and the Treasure of the club, the new club has as one of its main purposes to help Muslim students to meet fellow Muslim students and feel a sense of community.
“We started the club because we saw a lack of community within the Muslim population on campus and wanted to create a space for Muslims to come together learn and grow in our faith,” said Hassan. “We wanted to create unity within the Muslims on campus but also teach any one on campus that might want to learn about the religion.”
The founders also added that the club was a way they found to help against any Islamophobia there could be on campus and to provide a safe space for those who share the faith to practice observations of Ramadan, Eid al-Fitr, and Eid al-Adha.
Ramadan, according to Britannica, is the ninth month of the Muslim calendar and the holy month of fasting. It begins and ends with the appearance of the crescent moon. “According to Islamic tradition, it was during Ramadan, on the “Night of Power” that God revealed to the Prophet Muhammad the Qur’an, Islam’s holy book, “as a guidance for the people.” For Muslims, Ramadan is a period of introspection, communal prayer, and reading of the Qurʾān.”
The holiday is happening now, making it the perfect opportunity for those who are not familiar with the culture to learn more about it.
“The main purpose of the club is to make life a little easier and inclusive for Muslim students on campus, but also so that people on campus could be familiar with Islam,” said Parakkal. “Everyone is welcome to come and join us regardless of belief, it is a learning experience for all,” added Khan.
The club meets on Mondays, 3:30-4:30pm at the Voice Office in Corey Union.