This upcoming Tuesday, March 4th, there will be a blood drive in Corey Union’s Exhibition Lounge. The event is run by the American Red Cross, going from noon to 5:00 p.m., and students and staff are encouraged to participate.
The Need for Blood
Every 2-3 seconds, someone in the United States needs a unit (approximately 1 pint) of blood. A standard blood donation provides that amount. Unfortunately, blood shortages are common, and current factors are contributing to the shortage. Between severe weather and widespread winter illnesses, less people are donating while the demand remains constant.
SUNY Cortland does its part to combat this shortage, offering blood drives in Corey Union. If you can’t make it on March 4th, these blood drives are held multiple times each semester. Information is emailed to students and accessible on the Red Cross’ website, along with other blood drives in the Cortland area.
Signing Up to Donate
Signing up is a simple process. The emails sent out have links to the Red Cross’ website, or you can look up the blood drive on the Red Cross’ website. From there you select a time and type of donation (blood or power red), as well as supply any required information.
Be aware that there are various requirements to donate blood, with some of the largest being height and weight. It is required for safety that donors of any gender weigh at least 110 pounds to donate blood, though shorter donors may need to weigh more. There’s no set maximum weight requirement.
Power red donations are available for donors with O, A negative, or B negative blood. They take twice as many red blood cells as a normal donation, but return other parts of your blood such as platelets back to you along with saline. They also have different requirements. Male donors must be at least 17 years old, 61 inches (5’ 1”), and weigh 130 pounds or more. Female donors must be at least 19 years old, 63 inches (5’ 3”), and weigh 150 pounds or more.
If you’re worried about whether or not you’ll be eligible to donate, the Red Cross outlines various factors on their website. Your eligibility will also be checked at your appointment; your safety always comes first.
Before and During a Donation
Prior to an appointment, the top piece of advice is to drink water. Staying hydrated helps prevent feeling light-headed during and after donation by increasing blood volume. It also helps to eat iron-rich food, from red meat to beans and spinach, to combat the loss of iron stores after donating. Sleeping well the night before can also help for a more positive experience donating.
At your appointment, bring a form of ID such as your driver’s permit or license. You’ll answer some demographic questions, then have a private and confidential interview to cover questions about your health history and ensure you’re eligible to donate.
A standard blood donation only takes 10 minutes. Power red donations take longer, typically 40-45 minutes, as a machine has to separate your blood to extract the red blood cells and return the other parts of your blood to you. During either donation, you can take the time to rest, listen to music, or chat with a friend.
Regardless of what you donate, once finished, you’ll remain in the Exhibition Lounge for 15 minutes. During this time you can have a provided snack or drink. This is to ensure you feel alright and can get prompt attention if you feel unwell.
Other Ways to Contribute
If you’re unable to donate blood for any reason but still want to help, you have options! Spreading the word about blood drives and encouraging people you know to donate can make all the difference. You can also go to the Red Cross’ website to look into volunteering at blood drives. Volunteers to greet and register people are greatly needed.