At SUNY Cortland, many professors, students, and staff face dangerous driving conditions simply trying to make it to class during the harsh winter.
Most professors, students, and staff commute over 40 minutes daily if coming from Syracuse or Ithaca. When bad winter weather hits, as it often does in Cortland, road conditions can become dangerous, putting lives at risk. Snowstorms, black ice, and freezing rain make highway conditions harsh, and even the best drivers are not safe.
The impact of dangerous winter conditions on commuting is not just about safety—it also affects academic performance and mental well-being. When commuting it can be long and stressful in harsh conditions and can leave students tired and exhausted before they even arrive on campus. Professors struggle to prepare for their classes when they spend hours a day navigating poor road conditions. As the cold winter months continue to make daily travel more difficult, many students and faculty are left wondering whether the risks and dangers of commuting are even worth it.
How Do Professors Feel About Commuting?
While interviewing Professor Da-Young Kang a Professor in the communication department about the new semester, she stated that her biggest challenge is the weather and the cold. Getting to work in these conditions, where it seems to be constantly snowing and temperatures are near the negatives, is both physically and mentally draining.
For professors, commuting in the winter presents not only safety concerns but also logistical challenges. Unexpected snowstorms can lead to delayed or canceled classes, creating problems in lesson plans and coursework. Some professors have noted that even when they do make it to campus, a large percent of their students may not, leading to absent students and disrupted lesson plans.
How Do Students Feel About Commuting?
SUNY Cortland’s campus is always buzzing with students talking about their frustration over the harsh winters. During an interview with Nick Porretto, a Sports Management major who commutes from Syracuse every day, he shared: “Sometimes I really do wish I lived on campus because my grades would definitely be better. Some days I physically cannot make it to class because of how bad the roads are.” This is a big issue for commuters, as Nick also mentioned that not all professors excuse absences due to weather-related difficulties. Though most are understanding.
Another commuter, Billy Huff, a Physical Education major, echoed this sentiment: “Sometimes it really is hard commuting because when I miss all these days due to the snow, it doesn’t leave me any room to even be sick.” This highlights a major problem for students who rely on commuting but face severe weather challenges.
Beyond missing classes, commuting students also experience added stress. Many find themselves waking up extra early to check road conditions, scraping ice off their windshields, and leaving hours in advance to account for delays. Even with all these precautions, there is no guarantee that they will make it to class on time, or safely. The frustration of missing important lectures or exams due to circumstances out of their control can take a toll on their academic success and mental health and lead to a dip in academic performance.
What Do the Facts Say?
The concerns of students and professors about commuting dangers are backed by a ton data. According to an article by, the New York State Department of Transportation reported a 17% increase in collisions during the winter months, marking a rise from the previous year. Similarly, states that New York has seen a notable increase in car accidents in 2025, largely due to consistent freezing temperatures and relentless snowfall. These statistics emphasize the increased risks that commuters face.
In addition to the increased number of accidents, data also suggests that winter driving conditions lead to a higher percentage of severe crashes. The presence of ice and snow reduces reaction time, making it harder for drivers to avoid collisions. Studies have shown that nearly 24% of weather-related vehicle crashes occur on snowy, slushy, or icy pavement, and 15% happen during active snowfall or sleet. These numbers illustrate just how dangerous winter commuting can be, particularly for those who have no choice but to drive long distances every day.
How to Stay Safe?
Driving in harsh winter conditions in New York is often unavoidable. However, there are several precautions commuters can take to stay safe:
- Drive slowly – It takes longer to stop in icy conditions.
- Maintain a safe following distance – This provides a buffer in case you need to stop suddenly.
- Use winter tires – They significantly improve traction and control.
- Clear snow and ice off your car – Ensuring visibility is crucial for safe driving.
- Check weather reports before leaving – Knowing what conditions to expect can help you prepare accordingly.
- Keep an emergency kit in your car – Items like blankets, flashlights, and extra food can be lifesaving in case of an accident or breakdown.
While commuting in the winter certainly does have challenges, taking the proper precautions can help manage and reduce the risks. For many students and faculty at SUNY Cortland, the question remains: is commuting worth the risk, or should alternative solutions, such as more remote learning options during the winter months, be considered?