This past Friday, September 20th, SUNY Cortland hosted their Study Abroad fair, featuring a variety of programs that allows students to immerse themselves into a different cultural atmosphere while earning school credits. Each table represented a program hosted by SUNY Cortland, as well as travel options with other SUNY schools and institutions. With so many possibilities and destinations, it’s hard to even know where to begin. Here’s some of the stand-out opportunities that the fair had.
London Metropolitan University
London Metropolitan University is one of the abroad programs that SUNY Cortland directly offers. Located right in the heart of the city and just north of the River Thames, the London Met is an excellent opportunity for scholars to learn alongside British students and live in the United Kingdom. Not only there can a student take courses that will earn credit towards their degree, they can also apply for an internship that would take place abroad. The London Met program is open to a multitude of fields of study and is open for both spring and fall semester terms.
Arts in Verona, Italy
For those unable to be away for an entire semester, there are summer/winter programs available through SUNY Cortland that are shorter durations of time. Running this coming June 16-26, 2025, this three-credit course is open to all majors, and glances at the history of art from ancient to contemporary in three major Italian cities. The course begins in Verona, then proceeds to Venice, and concludes in Florence, and includes guided tours through the cities, along with free time to spend to explore the beautiful country. A wonderful chance for students to enjoy learning about art and its cultural and historical significance in an entirely new way!
Babes Bolyai University
Students can earn credits abroad at the largest university in the country of Romania. Offering courses in English, German, Romanian, and Hungarian, those studying at the Babes-Bolyai University in Transylvania will earn between twelve and eighteen credits for a semester abroad, and can do so in the spring or the fall. With programs in the spring and fall, it’s a great opportunity to explore Europe. The university has six of their own museums and caters to many majors, including history, political science, communications, and international business.
Broadening Horizons
Traveling abroad to study is a life-changing experience. It’s a chance for students to be in a different environment while working towards their academic goals and potentially engage in exclusive courses to a specific region of the world. While SUNY Cortland does offer study abroad programs, one can also study abroad through any other SUNY, and even other schools, such as Tompkins-Cortland Community College. Hugh Anderson, Assistant Director of Study Abroad, spoke up about the significance that studying abroad can have on one’s academic career, saying “It helps teach cross-cultural awareness.” Some say that experience is the best teacher, and when it comes to studying abroad, it is no exception. With the many programs available, students can take almost any path (or flight!) they want.