Are you somebody who loves the idea of owning your own space or are you someone who doesn’t mind the idea of living with people? Personally, the thought of living on my own does intrigue me… What about you?
All my life I have lived with either family members or roommates. I don’t mind the company, but I would much rather be living in my place. The freedom that comes with having your place is unlike anything else. You can do whatever you would like.
You can have control of the T.V. remote all day and no one would be mad, you can play music as loud as you want, and you can even walk around your house naked. It is a nice feeling when you don’t have to be hassled in the living room.
A big reason that living on your own is good, in my opinion, is that you don’t have to share the bathroom with anybody other than yourself. Having to clean the toilet after your roommate or a family member uses it is nasty. We all have that one person in our lives who just has no regard for bathroom safety.
Having the power and control in your own home is a nice thing to have as well. You get to choose when you eat, whether that be ice cream for dinner or a big plate of pasta. The options are limitless.
A thing that I have noticed with a lot of people who live on their own is that they are completely immersed in their lives. This allows them to have the opportunity to explore themselves and find what they truly want in life.
I’m not saying to completely isolate yourself and not share your space with your friends and family but having that luxury of knowing that everything is on your terms is nice and comforting.
You get to choose what goes down in your house, if you want chaos then unleash chaos, who’s to stop you? If you want peace then peace shall be yours, everything must follow your rules.
Living with people throws many challenges at you. Why deal with it when you can just live in your castle with no problems? The drama of having roommates is unbearable and having to watch stupid fights unfold is not amusing at all.
Hearing music being played at 3 am or having people over till very late can be very annoying especially when you are someone with little patience.
As someone who has lived with another person or persons, I see why people would like the company, but for me, it’s time to move on and get life started. Of course, there will be some hard times especially if you live by yourself.
I believe that is what makes a person whole: Failure. Living on your own can allow you to re-evaluate what you did and allow you to become better. There is no better teacher than your failures.