At the beginning of the year, the streaming platform Peacock released TED, a new comedy series, that predicates the iconic Ted Films. The Ted Movies are set in the 2020’s, if you are not familiar with the story; John Bennet was a kid growing up without a best friend, so he wished for one upon a star. His wish came true in a form of a talking teddy bear named TED, who would be his best friend well into adult hood.
The TV series being set in the 90’s allows TED fans to see the life John Bennet was living as he took on his teenage years with a Teddy Bear as his best friend. Even though a Teddy bear is one of the main characters, this is far from a kid’s series, as the language, references, and content, are all strongly catered to the adult audience. The show begins with the Bennet family sending Ted to high school, and from there, John and Ted get into a world of mischief.
I personally really enjoyed this series. The jokes were hilarious and relatable. The music and cut-scene’s make it feel like a live-action Family Guy, which would make sense as the creator, director, and voice actor of Ted is in fact Seth MacFarlane, the same voice actor as Peter Griffin.
Other cast members include Max Burkholder as John Bennet, a dorky high school student. Alanna Ubach played Susan Bennet: a caring but strange mother and housewife. Scott Grimes as Matty Bennet; John’s dad with slight anger issues and racist undertones. Finally, Giorgia Whigham; John’s older cousin in college who plays the bad but nurturing influence.
I would go into more depth but I don’t want to give any spoilers. This show is not for everyone as it holds darker humor and some edgy jokes, but if you have watched the movies, I highly recommend this show as each episode left me laughing.