With finals week around the corner, most of us are beyond stressed. Papers are due, overdue work, exams, etc. As a senior in college, I can confidently say that I’ve discovered some of the most helpful ways to relieve that stress that comes with the end of the semester.
One of the most important ways to relieve school related stress is by organizing your belongings. Whether it’s your papers, or your laptop, it will bring you a sense of calmness once everything has its own palace. Something I use to organize my school work is “Google Calendars”. It’s an online calendar attached to your Google account that allows you to organize your events and tasks into different color coordinated calendars. This has helped me amongst the chaos of balancing an internship and school work. A well organized study space gives you less opportunity to lose or misplace materials, which gives you more time to study. So once you’ve organized your schedule, notice how much more relaxed you should feel after finding a place for each task. So before you continue your studying, consider this tip as it’s one of the most important in my opinion.
Clean your Space
Along with organizing, comes cleaning. Working in a clean space is extremely crucial when you want your mind to feel more relaxed. Even if you just make your bed, your study space will feel more put together. If your study space is anywhere on campus such as the Library, then make sure you have your table organized and cleaned up. This “task” is something that I’ve preached for years after I learned how much more effective it makes your mind. Studies have actually found that decluttering your space can help your ability to focus and better help store information. The act of cleaning can also be known to release stress. Simple tasks such as dusting, vacuuming, etc., have therapeutic effects that can reduce anxiety and give you a sense of control over your environment.
Eat a Proper Diet
Make sure you’re eating a proper diet… not only during this time, but every day! Your mind and body will thank you as your energy and mood will increase. It’s important to remember to eat and not skip meals. I understand it’s hard to find time to eat sometimes, but even if you can pack something on the go, it’s better than nothing. I’m sure you always hear “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day”, which in some sense, is true! It’s a crucial factor in academic success. Not only does it kickstart your metabolism, but it stabilizes your blood sugar and helps maintain your energy throughout the day. It’s also important to make sure to eat in between meals, like a granola bar or a fruit. Snacking on foods that aren’t pure sugar are a good way to provide energy and keep your brain fueled.