Finals week can be stressful and overwhelming for many however there’s many different ways you can prepare. If you prepare a lot you’ll be happier with your score and less worried when going into exam day.
The first tip is to not procrastinate. Don’t wait till the night before to study, instead give yourself time in advance to make flashcards and review the information each day. The second tip is to find a study group or classmate. Having someone else to study with can be good to quiz each other and teach each other concepts one may not know.
The third tip is to find a quiet space. When studying it’s important to be comfortable and in a space that requires your full attention. A lot of students go to the library and get their own private rooms which is a great idea. The fourth tip is to make a Quizlet or flashcards. This can help you study and test your knowledge. On Quizlet you can complete quizzes and do learning games to help you really know the information.
The fifth tip is to not just study what’s on the study guide. The study guide definitely is what you should study however sometimes not all concepts you covered are on the study guide. Which is why it’s important to review your notes and any other information your teacher has posted. The sixth tip is to prioritize your study time. You may have some exams that are far more difficult and require more studying time. Make sure you evaluate all your exams and determine what ones need more studying time.
The seventh tip is to pace yourself. Don’t wait until the last minute and jam pack studying all the information. This will cause most information to not stick which will 08lead to a bad test score. Study in short periods, plan ahead, and take breaks if you need. The eighth tip is to make it as fun as you can. Reward yourself with your favorite snack after the first hour or so of studying. This can help you become more motivated to study and obtain all the information.
The ninth tip is to talk to your teacher or TA if needed. If you’re struggling with material from class, ask your teacher in person or via email. Their job is to help you learn so they’ll be more than happy to answer these questions. And lastly, the tenth tip is to do your best. If you prepare well and study to the best of your ability the one thing left is to do your best. Don’t rush through the exam and take time to think about each question.
Finals week can be overwhelming but if you follow these ten tips it can help you feel more prepared to take on your exam. Don’t forget to take care of yourself during this time as well because your mental health comes first. Don’t be too hard on yourself and remember that if you prepare well you will do the best you can.