For those reading who don’t know what a capsule wardrobe is, it’s essentially a minimalist set of clothing that can be mixed and matched to expand your outfit options. If you want to stress less about what outfit to wear, then these tips are for you! Keep reading to learn how to create and maximize the most out of your wardrobe with these timeless pieces.
Step 1: Clean out your current wardrobe
When you have too many clothing pieces, but don’t even know how to style them, it’s time for you to go through your closet and figure out what needs to go and what can stay. Sometimes we forget about clothes in our closet and you may come along things that you haven’t worn in over a year. You also may want to ged rid of (donate) clothing pieces that don’t fit you anymore. These clothing pieces take up our closet space, because we forget they’re even there. Another tip when cleaning out your wardrobe, get ride of things that are damaged or unflattering. Wearing these clothing pieces out will allow less confidence when picking out outfits.
Step 2: Organize what’s left in your closet
To make thing easier for yourself when getting dressed in the morning, you may want to organize your wardrobe so that everything is visible to the eye. Start off with separating your clothing by categories, which could be bottoms, tops, dresses, sweaters, and coats. When you categorize these items, you allow for easier access to creating a simple, yet cute outfit.
Step 3: Chose your clothing pieces
Now it’s time to create tour capsule wardrobe. You may want to make this a separate section in your closet, so that you can access it easily. This section of your wardrobe can include versatile tops, pants, etc. Typically, you may want to keep these clothing items simplistic and one simple color. This could include a tan bodysuit, black jeans, a white dress, etc. Doing so, allows for a stress-free time when trying to pair a top those funky pants you bought last year.
Now that you’ve chosen your most simple staple clothing items, you have yourself a capsule wardrobe that will make your life so much easier!