No matter if you are a freshman starting out somewhere new, not having a clue what you are getting yourself into or even a senior who is very familiar with how SUNY Cortland runs, going back to school is a stressful time for everyone. New teachers, new classes, and maybe even a new campus, can be very intimidating. The nerves and stress can often make it very difficult for one to stay on top of their work, and can even prevent you from performing to the best of your ability. When your classes or school work becomes a little too overwhelming, here are some tips on how to relieve your stress and make sure you are on track for a successful semester.
- PLAN OUT YOUR WEEK. Write down exactly what needs to get done, and set aside time to do it. Even if it’s just an hour you have off in between classes, spend it being productive rather than sitting on your phone. Having a plan allows you to see everything that needs to be done for the week, and helps to make sure nothing is forgotten about.
- MAKE TIME FOR THINGS YOU ENJOY. As students, we tend to feel guilty about taking time for ourselves when we know there are other things that need to get done. When in reality taking the time to hang out with your friends, work out, or even just grab a coffee with your roommate allows you to relieve some of the stress you are feeling. Setting aside time to do something you enjoy every so often, will not only help you relax but also allow you to work harder when the time comes around to finish your assignments. It’s okay to close your laptop and take a deep breath when you feel it is necessary.
- ASK FOR HELP. Believe it or not, your professors want to see you succeed. They are willing and happy to help you or answer any questions you may have. If an essay topic is confusing or you even want to know what to spend more time reviewing for an exam, they are ready to help. When you are struggling in a course, rather than suffering in silence, reach out and let them know what is going on and how they can help. Nine times out of ten they will be happy to work something out with you to help get you back on track. I know it can be intimidating but once you face the fear of having a conversation with one of your professors, I guarantee you will feel much better.
College is stressful, most of us are away from our families, and the workload can be a lot. It is easy to lose sight of why we are here in the first place, a higher education. Stepping out of your comfort zone and doing things that make you uncomfortable will help you more than it will hurt you. SUNY Cortland is a place where people want to see you succeed, when you start to feel overwhelmed it’s okay to take a step back and maybe take a different route.