To the Editor:
Now more than ever, students need to have their voices heard in government. That’s why the New York Public Interest Research Group (NYPIRG) is advocating on campus to register students to vote before the October 14th deadline.
Midterm elections happen every two years and determine the makeup of our government. This year, New Yorkers will be voting on a new governor, state and federal representatives, and a ballot measure for clean air, clean water, and good jobs. State elections are crucial because our politicians make decisions on tuition hikes, election integrity, and how to best serve our
As a student, it’s a simple process. Register using your Cortland address and vote at the Park Center this November 8th. You can also use your home address and vote by absentee ballot. Students can register to vote through NYPIRG class presentations, tabling events, or by stopping at the NYPIRG office at 215 Corey Union. Other locations on campus, like the Institute for Civic Engagement, also register students.
Look out for the bright yellow NYPIRG letters on campus to register, get an absentee ballot, or ask any questions about the process at one of our tables. If you’re interested in helping out with voter registration, or building student power on campus, join our weekly chapter meetings on Mondays at 6 pm in 305-306 Corey Union. We also offer a for-credit internship program and lots of volunteer opportunities. We hope to see you at our first big event on September 28th at 6 pm in Corey Union’s Exhibition Lounge!
For more information, contact NYPIRG Project Coordinator Marissa Pappas at or by phone at (607) 753-4815.
Marissa Pappas
New York Public Interest Research Group
Project Coordinator, SUNY Cortland