Collin Anderson Memorial Award Winner
Caught in the moving trap,
A Saturn Ion with no A/C,
Three years ago the memory lives,
Wanders through the back room of my mind.
The peach air fresheners,
The roll down windows,
The time at the bus stop
You wouldn’t get out,
Made me promise to stay.
Times circling the block,
Waiting to pick you up,
Circling again,
Waiting to drop you off.
Love lived and died in that little car,
Lived through a road trip,
Through parking lot sex,
Through our twenties.
It died when you left,
Even after you left,
You stayed in the passenger’s seat for years.
Your pony tail in the headrest,
Your lipstick in the cup holder,
Cold and golden like a shotgun shell,
Where you sat, years ago.
Sean Dunn received a B.A. in English from Trinity College (CT) and a M.S. in Recreation from SUNY Cortland. Sean’s poetry explores family relationships, memory, and the natural world.